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Kashon Testimonials
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Our Kashon
Roxy weighed 1.3kilos when we got her, she is a little bundle of white fluff with light tan ears and a few marks on her head and tail, which curls up over her back. She is very clever and comes back on recall, she is starting at puppy classes next week. Roxy has a lovely temperament and makes the perfect family pet.
Posted: 6/12/2010 8:19:26 AM by capiegirl More Kashon Testimonials | Kashon Breed Information | Kashon Photos | Kashon Videos | Kashon Bios | Kashon Discussions Tyler - My best friend
What can i say?
Im in love with my Kashon.. although until today i didnt know he had a 'breed name'. until now i called him my little Bairn - my cross between a cairn and a bichon ! I ended up with my baby by accident 5 years ago when i stumbled across him in a local paper. What a stroke of luck. In a nut shell .. he is a hardy little thing and definately more cairn than bichon - shown in his style of 'play' and his stubburn streak. He loves to play, chasing trailers and birds and 'beasts' (flying creatures) indoors. Any teddy he gets quickly becomes something to disect limb by limb and is tossed about and dismembered until the stuffing is out of it. Luckily this is restricted to toys and no items of soft furnishing have suffered. Overall he is very intelligent wee man and relatively obedient and is very quick to learn. He performs tricks we taught him like giving paw, 'hi 5's', dancing on his hind legs and chosing which hand the biscuit is in. Reward for good behaviour is the way to train these pups for sure ! He look a bit like a westie but put him beside a Westie adn you will quickly see the difference. He stands much higher and has a very long back. About the size of a cocker spaniel i guess. As a pup both ears flopped but as he got older one ear went up and the other stayed down - a true mix between a cairn and a bichon ! He weighs about 11kg and is very healthy hardy small/medium dog. He has a beautiful off white coat, that has a cream stripe down the lenght of his spine and across his shoulders. the creaminess is increasing with age. His coat is really soft and crinkle cut with some curls but there are some wirey hairs popping up here and there. HIs tail is comical. straight at times, curled up over his back at times, mostly straight in the air with a bend ! It looks like a bottle washer with long straight hairs ! His nose has turned brown from being black as a pup. My kashon adores walks of any lenght at all. He just keeps going. its only when we stop he gives in to being tired. Although is fine when he is left alone and well behaved he gets so excited when we come home. After a while of play he settles down for cuddles and is very content to lie with me on the sofa or rug by the fire. He tends to Guard the house - barking only when people approach or knock the door etc. when new people come to the house he greats them like long lost friends and jumps about like a lunatic and then settles down once they have said hello to him too. He is an amazing Jumper. he can jump really hi in the air to get his toys or biscuits.. pretty amazing to watch. luckily he doesnt use this skill to escape ! I love this breed. i would recommend them as a family pet to anyone. To sum them up.. they are a very 'giving' dog.. what you give them in affection and attention they will give you back 10 fold in return. Posted: 1/25/2010 8:38:57 AM by bjp2008 More Kashon Testimonials | Kashon Breed Information | Kashon Photos | Kashon Videos | Kashon Bios | Kashon Discussions My lil' buddy
Brutis is the perfect puppy thus far. He's 16 weeks old and gets along great with my 3 year old son. Potty training has been a struggle but he's coming around now. I'm in the process of looking for another so he can have a friend while I'm away at work. He's VERY smart but can also be quite stubborn. I'm just in love with this breed. If you're considering getting one you'll be happy if you do.
Posted: 12/3/2009 7:45:49 AM by Anonymous More Kashon Testimonials | Kashon Breed Information | Kashon Photos | Kashon Videos | Kashon Bios | Kashon Discussions My Kashon is PERFECT:]
I think Kashons are WONDERFUL little dogs. Mine personally is very protective of me, yet will still let 2 yr olds hug her. She barks at people, animals and even butterflies! We figure she is more Cairn then Bichon because of how frisky she is! Surprisingly she is an amazing agility dog!
Posted: 8/29/2009 7:29:08 PM by Anonymous More Kashon Testimonials | Kashon Breed Information | Kashon Photos | Kashon Videos | Kashon Bios | Kashon Discussions I think Kashons can vary...
My Kashon is quiet, snuggly & content when at home with just us; but if anyone comes to visit, she gets soooo excited. She must have more of the Cairn personality because she does bark quite a bit and has an adventurous, independent spirit outdoors. She always lets us know if someone has stopped by. Oh, she watches TV & barks at any animals real or cartoon. If we bring her to the pet store, she wants to check out absolutely everything and believes everyone is her friend. She can be a bit stubborn yet at the same time, loves to please people. She's somewhat of a clown and will "talk" if she wants something. Our Kashon is about 17 pounds and does shed a little. She does require brushing but doesn't get too terrible tangled. She does have allergies, poor thing. Great small/medium-dog!
Posted: 7/22/2009 6:53:54 AM by weberkelly More Kashon Testimonials | Kashon Breed Information | Kashon Photos | Kashon Videos | Kashon Bios | Kashon Discussions My Kashon is the perfect companion
My Kashon is the perfect companion. She enjoys my company, but can be alone. She enjoys children and adults. She is occasionally a little aggressive when meeting other dogs, but with correction becomes playful. She loves walking and has a clock in her head: she knows exactly, to the minute, when she is supposed to go on her walk. She will rise from wherever she is and wait by the door for her walk. She rarely barks, but cries when she is frustrated or nervous. She is not a watchdog, but she is very smart and will sniff towards any change in the environment.
Posted: 5/26/2008 7:51:19 AM by Anonymous More Kashon Testimonials | Kashon Breed Information | Kashon Photos | Kashon Videos | Kashon Bios | Kashon Discussions |
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