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 Location:Minneapolis, MN (United States)

Designer Dogs

Name:LucyView My Bio
Breed:KashonView My Gallery
Age:18 years 8 months 22 days

Owner Testimonials

I think Kashons can vary...

My Kashon is quiet, snuggly & content when at home with just us; but if anyone comes to visit, she gets soooo excited. She must have more of the Cairn personality because she does bark quite a bit and has an adventurous, independent spirit outdoors. She always lets us know if someone has stopped by. Oh, she watches TV & barks at any animals real or cartoon. If we bring her to the pet store, she wants to check out absolutely everything and believes everyone is her friend. She can be a bit stubborn yet at the same time, loves to please people. She's somewhat of a clown and will "talk" if she wants something. Our Kashon is about 17 pounds and does shed a little. She does require brushing but doesn't get too terrible tangled. She does have allergies, poor thing. Great small/medium-dog!

Posted: 7/22/2009 6:53:54 AM by weberkelly
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