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 Location:Horse Cave, KY (United States)

Designer Dogs

Name:PookeyView My Bio
Breed:YorkillonView My Gallery
Age:14 years 10 months 19 days

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New Year's Eve travel

We were invited to my sister-in-laws for dinner and took Pookey along. Hubby bought him a new Pet Taxi for the trip. He never made a single sound all the way there or back (2 hours one way), nor did he have any accidents! The only time his manners slipped was when Sharon let her two little dogs loose in the house. Then Pookey LOST it! They had a "bark off". He's not used to other dogs since his idol, Hunter, died. He also emulates how Hunter used to make "viscious dog" sounds when he played, so making friends is a bit touchy. So I didn't let him out of the Pet Taxi while the other two dogs were loose.

Read more blogs by sandywitch | Read more blogs in A Day in the life of Fraggle

Posted: 1/1/2011 11:36:58 AM

Time has passed.

Pookey's bestest friend and idle, Hunter, a GSP/lab mix, passed away. Pookey misses him terribly, as does the rest of the family. After my daughter's cat passed, another kitten found her. Pookey attacks QT at every chance. He pounces on top of him and makes growling noises, but no cries from the cat. When QT fianlly gets away, he's wet all over from puppy kisses!

Read more blogs by sandywitch | Read more blogs in Our Blog

Posted: 12/9/2010 11:34:30 AM

Pookey has grown!

Pookey is now almost 14 months old. He got bigger than I was told he would, but he's still a small dog. There's one other unexpected thing........which I love! Pookey got shaggy!!! He's exactly the little shaggy dog I'd always dreamed of having! He jumps REALLY high. It's been a bit hectic here with the whole family moving into my house, but I'm going to start trying to teach him tricks. He's terribly energetic, fast, and intelligent, but quite willfull too. If he chases QT up on a chair, and then the table, Pookey follows and is up on the table! Perhaps I can channel that energy and desire to jump into a more productive outlet. Wish me luck!

Read more blogs by sandywitch | Read more blogs in A Day in the life of Fraggle

Posted: 11/1/2010 12:50:15 PM

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