Our vet has us keep two things, Children's Benedryl since Junior gets to running so much and gets excited he starts wheezing and Pepto Bismol for upset stomach, so far both work on him. He is the Shih Tzu. Acorns | Health Concerns
We had a somewhat similar adventure with Schatzi Smith. I called him and he did not come, I found him and he was eating manure from a female dog that had been in the yard. I went berserk. I called my husband in and he washed his mouth out and brushed his teeth. Schatzi felt really bad all day, couldn't get hold of the vet, on the weekend. He threw up, and it seemed like he was having chills. I called the Emergency Animal Clinic and they told me to bring him in, we got him ready to go to Jackson (about 20 miles away), he was listless and felt really bad. We got there, was told it would be 70.00 to see him plus any treatment. I was the same as you, whatever it took. They called us into this little examining room, he didn't have a temperature, he just kind of stood there. The young man went out and then the vet came in, she was a cute blonde, he made the fastest recover you have ever seen, he jumped into her arms (all 16 pounds of him), started kissing and loving her like you wouldn't believe. Well, she pronounced him well and we brought him home, minus the 70.00 it cost. It was worth it but he sure had us fooled. Our vet got a big laugh out of it..........we got him neutered the next week. No more female dog problems. Rocky is hurt | Health Concerns
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