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Recognized By: DBR , IDCR

Living with a Miniboz

Family Dog: The Miniboz is a great family dog. They are quite happy to sleep downstairs away from the family and do not feel the need to be constantly by your side.

Shedding: The Miniboz sheds very little and can be a good choice for people with allergies due to their wiry coat.

Barking: Typically the Miniboz barks very little when in the house but they do sometimes bark at people walking by or people wearing hats or hoods.

Exercise: The Miniboz is an energetic dog who is lots of fun and loves to go for a run or a bike ride. They can need up to two walks a day to satisfy their energy level.

Miniboz Appearance

Appearance: The Miniboz has either a flat or longer coat that can be brindle in color with pointy ears and a beard.

Color: The coat of the Miniboz can be brindle in color.

Coat: The Miniboz can have a flat or long, wiry, scruffy coat.

* The most accurate way to determine characteristics of a mixed breed is by researching the parent breeds.
** Not all dogs being represented by this name consist of the exact percentages listed above.
*** It is important to do research on your dog's history before choosing a dog. We are dedicated to providing the most accurate information possible about each breed.

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