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Breeds Home > Breed List > Pitweiler

Pitweiler Breed Information


Recognized By: DBR , IDCR
AKA: Bullrott, Rottbull, Prott, Rottpit
Mispellings: Pitweiller, Pitwelier, Pitwieler, Pitwieller, Pitwiler, Pitwilier, Pittweiler, Pittweiller

Living with a Pitweiler

Personality: Pitweilers are emotional, loving creatures that need affection to bring out the best in them. They are loyal, noble, goofy and will give back everything you put into them and more.

Temperament: The Pitweiler has an excellent temperament if properly socialized from a young age. They are very intelligent, brave, loyal, strong and emotional. This means they can be the most loving companion who will die for their owner. You will get back from this mix what you give and you can't get more fair than that. High energy, tendancy towards dominance.

Family Dog: Pitweilers make a great family dog provided they were properly socialized as a puppy. They are typically great with kids, but like any dog, should never be left unsupervised with infants or small children. Female Pitweilers may have a issue in a household with another female of any breed.

Shedding: The Pitweiler shed minimally and mostly during spring months.

Grooming: The Pitweiler is typically easy to care for.

Training: The Pitweiler can be a challenge to train if not done at an early age. They have a great ability to learn and are highly intelligent. Schutzhund, tracking, agility, competetive obedience, protection.

Behavior: The Pitweiler is typically a friendly dog who is trusting of strangers but will definitely remember any unpleasent treatment and be very wary of that person afterwards.

Barking: The Pitweiler has a very deep and loud bark that tends to be used sparingly. They typically only bark when they are trying to alert to possible danger.

Exercise: The Pitweiler is a high energy dog who needs plenty of daily exercise.

Physical Ability: The Pitweiler is a very strong and agile dog who makes a wonderful search and rescue or service dog. They can pull and carry substantial weight.

Pitweiler Appearance

Appearance: Pitweilers have a proud and confident appearance. Their overall appearance can vary more toward either parent breed with some having a more pronouced Rottweiler apperance while other tend to look more like a giant Pitbull.

Size: A fully grown Pitweiler can range from 45 to 100 pounds or more.

Companionship: The Pitweiler is a very loving, loyal, companion dog who is very sensitive to their owners mood.

Ears: The ears of the Pitweiler can be left natural or cropped.

Teeth/Bite: scissor

Body: The body of the Pitweiler resembles that of a Presa Canario Mastiff but agile and quick like a Pit Bull.

Hindquarters: The hindquarters of the Pitweiler are strong and muscular.

Feet: The feet of the Pitwelier are large with thick nails and pads.

Tail: Long and curled.

Color: The color of a Pitweiler's coat can vary widely.

Coat: The coat of the Pitweiler can vary from very short and sleek like the that of the Pit Bull to a thicker coat more closely resembling that of the Rottweiler.

Pitweiler Facts

Life Expectancy: The average life expectancy of the Pitweiler is 10 to 15 years.

More Info: It is illegal to breed Pitbulls or Pitbull crosses in Australia. Some local governments will take legal action to make owners put them down their Pitbull because they are deemed to be a dangerous breed. Penalties for animal control regulation infringements imposed on Pitbulls or their mixes are 10 times that imposed on owners of other mixes or breeds.

Pitweiler Health

Allergies: Some dogs are known to be allergic to chicken.

Health: The Pitweiler may be prone to hip problems like the Rottweiler.

Skin Health: The Pitweiler may suffer from dry skin occassionally.

Ear Health: If the ears of the Pitweiler are clipped it is very important that they be kept clean and free of dirt. They should be cleaned a minimum of every couple days. When bathing cotton should be placed in the ears to prevent water from draining into the ear canal which can lead to a very painful infection.

* The most accurate way to determine characteristics of a mixed breed is by researching the parent breeds.
** Not all dogs being represented by this name consist of the exact percentages listed above.
*** It is important to do research on your dog's history before choosing a dog. We are dedicated to providing the most accurate information possible about each breed.

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