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Pinny-Poo Breed Information

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Recognized By: DBR , IDCR
AKA: Pinnypoo
Mispellings: Pennypoo, Pinnipoo, Pinypoo

Caring for a Pinny-Poo

Feeding: The Pinny-Poo can be fed a diet of dry or wet food.

Living with a Pinny-Poo

Personality: Pinny-Poos are very sweet, loving, playful dogs.

Family Dog: Pinny-Poos make good family pets. They are great with kids and love going on walks. They are good dogs for a single person or a big family. Some Pinny-Poos can be aggressive with other dogs but they are typically good with cats and some even enjoy playing with them.

Shedding: Pinny-Poos are low to no shedding dogs.

Grooming: Pinny-Poos do not require lots of grooming. They should be brushed weekly.

Training: Training a Pinny-Poo may require a good level of patience. Some can be very difficult to train and you must put in alot of effort while other can be relatively easy to train.

Behavior: The Pinny-Poo is very a sweet, playful, protective, loyal and loving dog.

Barking: Most Pinny-Poos are not known for barking but some do love to bark.

Weather: The Pinny-Poo can adapt to hot or cold climates. They get cold in cold weather though so you may need to put a sweater on them.

Exercise: The Pinny-Poo should be taken for a walk at least once a day. They are small dogs but they love walks and play time.

Physical Ability: Pinny-Poos like to jump high and run fast.

Living Conditions: Pinny-Poos do not need a lot of space but they do like to have a yard to run and play in.

Pinny-Poo Appearance

Appearance: The Pinny-Poo weighs around 6 pounds when fully grown. Some have more of the Toy Poodle genes while some inherit more of the Miniature Pinscher. The Pinny-Poos overall appearance depends largely on that. Some have a curly coat like that of the Poodle with the head, ears and tail of the Miniature Pincher.

Size: A fully grown Pinny-Poo weighs around 10 pounds.

Companionship: The Pinny-Poo makes a great companion dog that is very loyal to their owner.

Eyes: The Pinny-Poo has medium, round eyes.

Ears: The Pinny-Poo has floppy, triangular ears with very short ear hair. Sometimes one ear is up and the other one is lying down. Their ears may resemble that of the Chihuahua.

Neck: The Pinny-Poo has a nice strong neck.

Body: Pinny-Poos can have a long and thin or short husky build.

Feet: The Pinny-Poo has pointy feet like that of the Miniature Pinscher.

Tail: The tail of the Pinny-Poo is usually cropped.

Color: The coat of the Pinny-Poo can be Cream, Apricot, White & Apricot, Brown & Tan, Brown & White, Black & Tan or Black with some having color markings and spots. Black and Tan is the most common color combination.

Coat: The coat of the Pinny-Poo can be wirey, curly or smooth. If a Pinny-Poo has more of the Poodle gene then they will have a curly coat. Likewise, if they have more Miniature Pinscher in them then their coat will be smooth.

Pinny-Poo Facts

Life Expectancy: The average life expectancy of the Pinny-Poo is 10 ot 15 years.

Characteristics: The Pinny-Poo loves to take walks, play with leaves and dig.

Pinny-Poo Health

Allergies: The Pinny-Poo has no known allergies at this time.

Skin Health: Pinny-Poos typically have good skin health.

Eye Health: The Pinny-Poo is not known for bad eyesight.

Ear Health: The Pinny-Poo is not known for having bad ear health. Make sure you take them to the vet for checkups and they will see if they have any thing wrong with their ears.

Dental Health: The Pinny-Poo is not known for any dental health issues as long as you get their teeth cleaned and you brush their teeth normally.

Bone Health: The Pinny-Poo has no known bone or tissue conditions.

* The most accurate way to determine characteristics of a mixed breed is by researching the parent breeds.
** Not all dogs being represented by this name consist of the exact percentages listed above.
*** It is important to do research on your dog's history before choosing a dog. We are dedicated to providing the most accurate information possible about each breed.

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