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Breeds Home > Breed List > Whoodle

Whoodle Breed Information


Recognized By: DBR , IDCR
AKA: Swheat-N-Poo, Wheatiepoo
Mispellings: Woodle, Weatiepoo

Living with a Whoodle

Temperament: The Whoodle is a happy, playful, confident and agreeable dog.

Family Dog: The Whoodle is a great family dog that gets along with all people, cats and even birds.

Shedding: The Whoodle is a low to non-shedding dog.

Grooming: For stunning appearance and comfort, the Whoodle should have a clean puppy cut, with a medium length beard and tail. The coat needs frequent brushing to prevent matting.

Training: The Whoodle should be trained with a soft and gentle hand without harsh tones or tactics. Lots of positive reinforcement will work well for them as the live to please.

Behavior: The Whoodle is an extremely intelligent dog that can be stubborn at times. They are very well behaved dogs and typically not distructive. After potty trained they can usually be left out of the crate during the day.

Barking: The Whoodle is not a barker. They typically don't bark even at the front door.

Weather: The Whoodle is very sensitive to the heat and sun and seeks the shade when outside. They don't seems to be affected by the cold.

Exercise: The Whoodle requires a moderate amount of exercise and typically enjoy more shoter walks throughout the day to one long daily walk.

Whoodle Appearance

Appearance: The Whoodle has many of the Poodle traits, physical and temperamental. They are extremely graceful and prances like a thoroughbred.

Size: The Whoodle is usuually around 45 pounds but some can be larger when fully grown.

Tail: The Whoodle has a curly tail.

Color: The Whoodle's coat is solid black with a brownish beard.

Coat: The coat of the Whoodle is extremely soft, thick and wavy not kinky.

Whoodle Facts

Characteristics: Whoodles are serious scavengers that love to eat and chew everything in sight including rocks.

* The most accurate way to determine characteristics of a mixed breed is by researching the parent breeds.
** Not all dogs being represented by this name consist of the exact percentages listed above.
*** It is important to do research on your dog's history before choosing a dog. We are dedicated to providing the most accurate information possible about each breed.

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