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Recognized By: DBR , IDCR
Mispellings: Pitboxer

Caring for a Pitoxer

Feeding: The feeding of a Pitoxer should be controlled due to un-nescessary gain in weight which leads to joint problems.

Living with a Pitoxer

Personality: The Pitoxer is very happy and proud dog.

Temperament: The Pitoxer has an ok temperment. They don't like strangers entering their space without the master's permission.

Family Dog: The Pitoxer makes a great family pet as they are very loyal and social dogs.

Shedding: The Pitoxer sheds worse than most short haired dogs but brushing will reduce that.

Grooming: The Pitoxer's coat needs to be brushed often.

Training: The Pitoxer is a fast learner and can catch on to new tricks very quickly.

Behavior: Pitoxers are very well behaved dogs that need lots of exercise, socialization and training.

Barking: Pitoxers like to bark at squirrels and things that move or make sound that even when they can't see them.

Weather: The Pitoxer should avoid cold weather.

Exercise: Pitoxers need to go on walks often and get plenty of exercise to keep their weight maintained. They love going for for walks and going outside.

Living Conditions: The Pitoxer should have space to run around when bored.

Pitoxer Appearance

Appearance: The Pitoxer is a stalky built little dog.

Size: The Pitoxer is short and stocky dog about the size of a Pitbull.

Companionship: Pitoxers are very loyal companions.

Nose: Pitoxer has a great sense of smell.

Eyes: The Pitoxer has very cute beedy eyes.

Feet: The Pitoxer's nails should be cut as often as necessary.

Color: The Pitoxer has a white coat with two big brown spots on his back. His skin is spotted black like a dalmation.

Coat: The Pitoxer has short haired coat.

Pitoxer Facts

Characteristics: Pitoxers are very intelligent dogs. They are able to learn new commands very quickly and comprehend actions better than some other.

Pitoxer Health

Health: The overall health of a Pitoxer is good. Their weight needs to be maintained.

* The most accurate way to determine characteristics of a mixed breed is by researching the parent breeds.
** Not all dogs being represented by this name consist of the exact percentages listed above.
*** It is important to do research on your dog's history before choosing a dog. We are dedicated to providing the most accurate information possible about each breed.

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