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Boxmas Breed Information

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Recognized By: DBR , IDCR

Living with a Boxmas

Family Dog: The Boxmas is excellent with other dogs and cats. They are also great with family or any children, however they don't like visitors on their territory.

Shedding: The coat of the Boxmas sheds alot and has lots of dander and is prone to the 'doggie' smell.

Grooming: The Boxmas requires monthly baths.

Training: The Boxmas learn new tricks fairly quickly other tasks can prove to be more difficult.

Behavior: The Boxmas is a very affectionate dog who can be overprotective of their home and property. Yhey love toys and balls but have a tendency to destroy them all.

Barking: The Boxmas is fairly quiet outside.

Weather: The Boxmas doesn't like the cold.

Exercise: The Boxmas needs a yard and shouldn't be over-exercised.

Boxmas Appearance

Appearance: The Boxmas is a very large, lean, muscular and intimidating dog.

Size: The Boxmas weighs between 70 to 100 or more when fully grown.

Companionship: The Boxmas loves families but make great dog for one owner as well. They are very loyal dogs who love affection.

Body: The body of the Boxmas is lean, strong and muscular.

Feet: The Boxmas has large paws and likes to box and jump when excited.

Color: The coat of the Boxmas is red, white and dark brown.

Coat: The Boxmas has a medium length coat.

Boxmas Facts

Characteristics: The Boxmas is a very good guard dog who likes walks but can get depressed easily.

Boxmas Health

Bone Health: The Boxmas can become very skinny and be prone to hip displacia if over exercised.

* The most accurate way to determine characteristics of a mixed breed is by researching the parent breeds.
** Not all dogs being represented by this name consist of the exact percentages listed above.
*** It is important to do research on your dog's history before choosing a dog. We are dedicated to providing the most accurate information possible about each breed.

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