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 Location:Ionia, MI (United States)

Designer Dogs

Name:fuglyView My Bio
Breed:Chinese Boston-TzuView My Gallery
Age:17 years 24 days
Name:Daisy May MooseView My Bio
Breed:LabrottieView My Gallery
Age:13 years 2 months 28 days

Purebred Dogs (Compliments of

Name:peek-a -booView My Bio
Breed:ChihuahuaView My Gallery
Age:17 years 3 months 17 days
Name:izabellaView My Bio
Breed:ChihuahuaView My Gallery
Age:17 years 3 months 17 days
Name:sammyView My Bio
Breed:Miniature SchnauzerView My Gallery
Age:23 years 5 months 4 days

Recent Blogs

the fair

Fugly had a exciting week at the fair. He walked in the parade with about 30 other dogs supporting the animal shelter and the shelter dogs up for adoption. Even though he befriended one of the shelter dogs we did not get to bring him home.
Fugly later entered the pet contest in two categorys. He was in the best dressed as a surfer boy but he lost to a Boston Terrier dressed as a tea party. He also entered the ugliest dog contest and came in second place to a purebred
Chinese Crested who in my opinion was very cute. I am proud of Fugly and how well he did anyways. We will go back next year and try again.
If anyone has a costume idea for Fugly we would love to hear it.

Read more blogs by sycadoog | Read more blogs in My Life

Posted: 7/27/2009 8:45:26 PM

The fair is coming

In just two weeks it is time for the Ionia Free Fair and the ugliest dog contest. Fugly was the winner last year and we hope he will become a two time winner. He is also going to walk in the fair parade this year now that he is bigger and knows how to walk on a leash.

Read more blogs by sycadoog | Read more blogs in My Life

Posted: 7/1/2009 6:13:52 PM

Party sucess

Fugly had a great time atthe party. He met lots of new people and even met a Rottty named Ben. He is the biggest dog Fugs has ever met. He played so much that he slept for the entire 2 hour ride home. All in all it was a great sucess.

Read more blogs by sycadoog | Read more blogs in My Life

Posted: 4/26/2009 11:31:09 AM

Recent Discussion Posts


Like any product it is not 100% reliable with every dog. I have heard of this with many other dogs. If it is a mild winter again the fleas wil be even worse next year. To help prevent and treat the fleas use a flea treatment on you floors and furniture now and treat the yard as soon as it is warm. Cedar oil and or Tea Tree oil are both good alternative for a all natural flea preveative.

FLEAS | Health Concerns

Posted: 12/3/2009 8:26:57 PM

Morkie breeders

It is hard to find reputable breeders but if you are careful and ask a lot of questions you can find a good breeder online. I think that this is the right place to start adn I would try posting in the classifieds here. Good luck to you hope you find your puppies soon[:)]

Morkie breeders | Q & A

Posted: 11/12/2009 8:55:54 PM

Can I cover Bichon's Feet to help them heal

for the itchy allergy feet try Bag Balm. You can get it at most stores and rub it all over her feet. Also make sure there is not matted fur between her toes. We had a Lahasa that had that problem all the time, After you put the bag balm on try putting baby socks on her feet so she can't lick them. Good luck

Can I cover Bichon's Feet to help them heal | Health Concerns

Posted: 11/12/2009 8:51:29 PM

Owner Testimonials


His name is Fugly and he is a special dog. he is the most hairless, hairless I have ever seen. He is a very sweet dog with a loving personality. He is very sensitive to your voice and wants to please. if he is reprimanded he will pout for a minute or two and then he wants to make up with you. He has yet to meet a person or animal that he doesn't like. Due to his lack of hair he has a lot of clothing but he is a master at removing them.

Posted: 12/13/2008 9:23:42 PM by sycadoog
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