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Recognized By: DBR , IDCR
Mispellings: Cockaranian, Cockerainian, Cockerian

Caring for a Cockeranian

Feeding: The Cockeranian is not know as a finicky eater but can put on weight easily if not exercised enough.

Living with a Cockeranian

Personality: The Cockeranian is a clever and tricky dog who can be mischievous at times but always fun.

Temperament: Sensitive, friendly, excited, needs daily exercise.

Family Dog: The Cockeranian is very loyal to their family. Some can be a little leery of new people if they were not properly socialized as a puppy. They are overall great dogs that usually love children.

Shedding: The Cockeranian depending on the % of mix can be a light or heavy shedder.

Grooming: The Cockeranian needs a bath twice monthly to help control skin allergies and should be professionally groomed every 6 to 8 weeks.

Training: The Cockeranian learns commands very easily but may have difficulty in generalizing some commands when not activelly training.

Behavior: The Cockeranian is playful and stubborn but eager to please, also excitable, somewhat distracted, curious, generally obedient when trained and properly socialized.

Barking: The Cockerian is not a barky dog but if they are in a kennel they can be very noisy, otherwise if with people only bark at valid strange noises, will not bark or growl at another dog unless provoked or challenged. Some Cockerians like to bark all the time especially at cats.

Weather: The Cockeranian does fine in hot weather when clipped short but gets cold fairly easy.

Exercise: The Cockeranian definitely needs exercise. They can do well in apartment if walked and played with daily.

Physical Ability: The Cockeranian is agile, has good stamina and can run pretty fast.

Cockeranian Appearance

Appearance: The appearance of the Cockeranian can vary widely with some having snouts that are longer than a purebred Pomeranian and thinner than a Cockers. They have alluring soulful eyes, Cocker head, Pomeranian snout, Pomeranian curved tail over the back, feathery undercoat and medium long ears.

Size: The size of the Cockeranian can be closer to that of a Cocker.

Companionship: The Cockeranian makes a wonderful companion dog. Prone to separation anxiety if not trained to accept absences, could benefit from companion pet.

Head: The Cockeranian has a small head with a long snout.

Ears: Folded, medium long (not as long as cockers) depends on % of pomeranian in the mix. The Cockeranian has excellent hearing, sometimes a little too good.

Muzzle: More pointed snout than Cocker spaniel.

Body: The body of the Cockeranian is closer to Cocker Spaniel's in size and length.

Tail: The tail of the Cockeranian is curly and cute.

Color: The coat of the Cockeranian can be black with white on the chest being common. They can also be light brown with black markings.

Coat: The fur on the Cockeranian's body is course and a bit spiky but does not fluff up like a Pomeranian's. The fur on their legs can be curly and can get natty, undercoat is soft and feathery.

Cockeranian Facts

Life Expectancy: 13 years.

Cockeranian Health

Allergies: The Cockeranian can have issues with sensitive skin that can usually be well controlled by a hypoallergenic shampoo.

Health: The Cockeranian may have issues with gastrointestinal problems.

Skin Health: The Cockeranian may be prone to skin allergies.

Eye Health: The eyes of the Cockeranian may tend to "leak" and get crusty if not kept clean.

Ear Health: Prone to genetic ear canal issues particular to both cockers and pomeranians.

Dental Health: The Cockeranian may have some dental issues. One just broke off a canine at close to 4 years old.

Bone Health: There are no known issues at this time.

Litter Size: 6

* The most accurate way to determine characteristics of a mixed breed is by researching the parent breeds.
** Not all dogs being represented by this name consist of the exact percentages listed above.
*** It is important to do research on your dog's history before choosing a dog. We are dedicated to providing the most accurate information possible about each breed.

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